Head – Igor Y. Grichanov
Doctor of Biological Sciences.
e-mail: forecast@vizr.spb.ru
Laboratory staff
Major research topics:
Since 2015 the laboratory works according to the Program of State Academies of Sciences for 2013-2020 on the following items:
- Point 152. Current problems of creation of systems of monitoring, forecast and assessment of phytosanitary condition of agrolandscapes of new generation for increasing efficiency of protective measures and decreasing their cost intensity
- Task "Inventory and monitoring of biological diversity in agrolandscapes and agroecosystems; new data on systematics and distribution of the most important groups of harmful and useful organisms; preparing keys, atlases and catalogs; creating databases of federal and regional level on distribution of harmful organisms; developing cartographical display of phytosanitary information on electronic media for decision-making on management of phytosanitary risks, localization and elimination of harmful organisms" (№ 0665-2018-0001)
- The works carried out in the laboratory make a contribution to development of two Priority directions of science, technology and equipment in the Russian Federation ("Life Sciences" and "Rational Environmental Management") and also critical technology: "Technologies of monitoring and forecasting environment state, prevention and elimination of its pollution":
- Mapping of zones of harmfulness and areas of some dangerous weed plants, pest insects and phytopathogenic fungi. Development of maps of complex harmfulness of some groups of harmful organisms on the territory of Russia and adjacent countries (Berim M.N., senior researcher, Grichanov I.Ya., Head of Lab, Davidyan G.E., senior researcher, Karlik F.A., analyst, Neymorovets V.V., senior researcher, Ovsyannikova E.I., leading researcher, Saulich M.I., leading researcher, Yakutkin V.I., leading researcher).
- Creation of herbarium of weed species growing on the territory of the Russian Federation for increasing accuracy of their diagnostics. Development of the cartographical database of distribution of weed plants (including invasive species) on the territory of Russia (Luneva N.N., Head of Sector, Belousova E.N., researcher, Mysnik E.N., senior researcher, Lebedeva E.G. leading engineer).
- Description of insect taxa new to science. Assessment of the taxonomical status of doubtful and rare genera and species of phytophages and entomophages by collection materials. Synthesis of taxonomical reviews and lists of species of phytophages and entomophages for the purpose of specification of their actual and potential area (Grichanov I.Ya., Head of Lab, Davidyan G.E., senior researcher, Kaplin V.G., leading researcher, Kosheleva O.V., senior researcher, Namyatova A.A., senior researcher, Neymorovets V.V., senior researcher).
- Studying species diversity and adaptations of insect entomophages for revealing mechanisms of biocenotic regulation in natural biotopes and agrocenosis (Grichanov I.Ya., Head of Lab, Kosheleva O.V., senior researcher, Neymorovets V.V., senior researcher, Ovsyannikova E.I., leading researcher).
- Development of new interstate standards in the field of plant protection (Grichanov I.Ya., Head of Lab, Karlik F.A., analyst, Neymorovets V.V., senior researcher, Ovsyannikova E.I., leading researcher.
Other activities and services:
- Training and probation works on technical regulations (I.Ya.Grichanov, E.I.Ovsyannikova).
- Training and probation works on Phytosanitary monitoring and methods of crop protection against weed plants (N.N. Luneva).
- Contract on cooperation on problems of monitoring of phytosanitary situation and forecasts of development and distribution of dangerous pests of agricultural plants between Russian Agricultural Center (Rosselkhozcentre) and VIZR (I.Ya.Grichanov).
- Agreement on scientific cooperation between VIZR and Veydelevsky research and production agricultural institute of selection and seed farming of sunflower of the Central Chernozem region (V.I. Yakutkin).
Current projects:
Grant RFFI 16-04-01682 A Phylogeny of Miridae family (Insecta: Heteroptera) on the basis of morphological and molecular data (St.Petersburg State University, head: Konstantinov F.V., ZIN, collaborator: Neymorovets V.V
) http://www.rfbr.ru/rffi/ru/contest/o_1947708
Grant RFFI 15-04-01226 -a Frequency period in long-term dynamics of phytophage insect numbers: inductors and mechanisms. Head Frolov A.N., collaborator: Berim M.N..
Grant RFFI and Administration of Krasnodar Krai No. 16-44-230125 Scientific justification of a new method of phytosanitary monitoring of weed vegetation on the basis of land and remote sensing of agroecosystems. Head Ermolenko S.A. Collaborators: Luneva N.N., Sokolova T. D., Mysnik E.N., Belousova E.N.
Grant RFFI and Administration of Lipetsk region 16-44-480417 r_a Fundamental studying weed component of vegetation of the Lipetsk region with development of the informational database for the subsequent introduction in the hi-tech regional systems of agriculture. Head Shchuchka R.V. Collaborators: Luneva N.N., Sokolova T. D., Mysnik E.N.
Contracts for performance of work in the field of technical regulation (2013-2017) (Head I.Ya. Grichanov, Collaborators: Karlik F.A., Neymorovets V.V., Ovsyannikova E.I.).
Scientific results:
- Collaborators of the project have long-term experience in studying ecology, fauna, taxonomy, systematics and geography of phytophages and entomophages of some groups of insects in Coleoptera, Diptera, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Homoptera, etc. They described hundreds of new species, new genera, compiled a number of regional catalogs and keys. Their collateral cooperation means that the joint research collective is professionally familiar with fauna of the most diverse groups of insects, has experience of participation in producing lists of dangerous pests and Red Book species, preparation of the most part of articles and maps on insects of the bilingual Internet reference book "Agroecological Atlas of Russia and Adjacent Countries" (http://www.agroatlas.ru).
- A number of important reviews on faunistic complexes of many countries is published. The collections of Zoological institute of RAS, Zoological Museum of MSU, VIZR and also more than 30 European museums and institutes loaned for work to authors of the project store representatives of the majority of genera and many species of the studied taxa of Russia and other countries.
- Some new methods of field ecological researches of pest and useful insects, in particular, working methods with the electric suction, color and pheromone traps are developed; types and ways of calculation of correlation between trapping insects and number of preimaginal stages are established
- Collaborators of the project participated for many years in the experimental studying fauna and ecology of insects in various regions of the former USSR and abroad. Application of the modern morphological, molecular and GIS approaches allowed to improve diagnostics methods, to characterize diversity and phylogenetic communications of pest insects, to pass from mapping of areas and zones of harmfulness of separate species toward creation of digital maps of joint harmfulness of organisms. This basis creates a solid groundwork for the future.
- The direction of prediction of specific structure of weed plants in some regions develops on the basis of ecologic-geographical approach. The original database "Weed Plants in Flora of Russia" allowing to systematize and analyze information on distribution of species of weed plants on the territory of various regions of Russia is created and actively used; on contamination of crops; to monitor the dynamics of distribution of some species of weed plants. This DB and the INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM "Weed plants in flora of Russia" will be used in construction and correction of areas of distribution of weed plants on the territory of the Russian Federation. There is a collection of digital images of species of weed plants which is the largest specialized photo collection of weed plants in Russia (more than 6500 images). An electronic key to species of weed plants is created. The development of the universal algorithm of the creation of keys suitable for any taxonomical group is worth noting.
- Now VIZR is almost single scientific organization in the Russian Federation where distribution of species of weed plants is studied (Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, Vologda, Saratov, Voronezh, Rostov, Kursk, Astrakhan, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kurgan regions, Krasnodar Krai, Republic of Buryatia, etc.). Results of researches are reflected in numerous publications and also used during above-mentioned map creation.
Work is carried out on the laboratory and computer equipment (computers of the last generation, laser printers and scanners) which is available in laboratory and Center of collective use "Innovative technologies of protection of plants" (TsKP ITZR). There is a robotic stereomicroscope "Zeiss Discovery V12" with the AxioCam camera and AxioVision program which provides Z-stacking in one resulting image of several focal planes. For ultramicroscopic shooting, there is a stereomicroscope "Zeiss Axiostar Plus", also bound via the AxioCam camera with the AxioVision program. Images are finally processed in the Adobe Photoshop CS program. The equipment of TsKP ITZR, collections of insects and plants in VIZR, Zoological and Botanical institutes in St. Petersburg and Zoological Museum of MSU in Moscow, other Russian and foreign scientific institutions are used.
Main methods:
- The methods of studying regularities in species and intraspecific diversity dynamics, structure and number of phytophages and entomophages, weed plants and phytopathogenic fungi providing justification of their clustering, or grouping by degree of their harmful or useful activity in anthropogenic ecosystems.
- Methods of monitoring and forecast of economically significant pests and their entomophages, weed plants and phytopathogenic fungi, for obtaining the modern information on phytosanitary condition of anthropogenic ecosystems.
- Methodology of creation of informational infrastructure of monitoring and forecast of phytosanitary condition of anthropogenic ecosystems on the basis of Internet network.
- Methods of optimization of the collecting and analysis of information on taxonomical structure and geographical distribution of phytophages and entomophages, weed plants and phytopathogenic fungi, and algorithms of their realization in subject-oriented databases.
- Methods of mapping the territory of Russia and other countries by degree of potential distribution of pests of plants and weed plants, by the ecological factors defining dynamics of their numbers and harmfulness in in foci.
- Technique of GIS creation with use of MapInfo Professional v. 8.0 and AxioVision. Methodical approach on the basis of GIS-technologies of the three-dimensional analysis of distribution of the main pests of crops and weed plants on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries.
- Moderation of the existing cartographical database uniting all so far developed vector maps and accompanying materials with use of means of Microsoft Access and Microsoft Visual FoxPro v. 8.0, for the purpose of allocation of zones of potentially low, average and high phytosanitary risk for cultivation of economically significant cultures.
- Traditional methods of cameral and field researches of insects, collecting material.
The methods published with participation of staff of laboratory:
- Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.) 2009. Efficient and accurate technologies and methods of phytosanitary monitoring. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR, p. 1–84 (in Russian).
- Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.). 2013. Methods of phytosanitary monitoring and forecast. 2nd ed. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR, p. 1–128 (in Russian).